Travis "Strike-A-Pose" Tritt is one of my favorite 'new' Country singers. Very much inspired by both Outlaw Country and Southern Rock, Travis has produced quite a few tracks which should interest any Southern Rock fan. Trouble with Travis, in my opinion, is that he sounds over produced most of the time. Even when you see him performing on concert videos. And everything looks just a little too neat, the hair way over coiffured, the leather always looking spanking new. Well, you get the picture. It distracts from the music. And music is quite good at times, especially when he's rocking out. Half the time he's pleasing the ladies, singing ballads. The other half he's singing some stompin' Honky Tonk and some Southern Rock added for flavor. Here he is live in concert, a show from 1993 in New York. This features a live version of his version of the Atlanta Rhythm Section's "Homesick", which can be found in the original version on the ARS album "Quinella". This one's for Outlaws like us.