Well, this is surely an obscurity for you. I did my best to find any information on Nick Laseter at all, but all I found was a private profile on MySpace. This album was sent to me by my French Connection, but neither Jacques nor Luc know anything about the artist or the record. I have included the scans of the cover. It's very worn out, but I can at least give you the names of the people playing:
Nick Laseter: vocals & lead guitar, Ralph Snyder: piano, Larry Davis: drums, Randy Tomlinson; rhyhtm guitar, Nathan Roberts: bass and Juanita Laseter: backing vocals. It was produced by Charlie Bryant, and it does not mention any year of release. But it's definitely early 70's.
As for the music, this has more to with Elvis-like Country(Rock) than Southern Rock. But this will probably find a home with some of y'all. And the rip is pretty decent. Thanks to Jacques and Luc for music.
Edit 4/8/2009: On August 3 I received a message frome none other than Nick Laseter himself. Here's what he had to say:
"Well this was my first album released in 72,I have writtin hundreds of songs since.I still play (not as much as I use to) but I cant tell you how exited I was to see someone take intrest in my music from so long ago.I have new music listed on digital rodeo and sound click with a band called january rose.As far as my influences,I grew up in southern Louisiana and have performed with folks like B.B. King Fats domino and a barrage of old south pickers.I came from the age of Skynard and the Allman brothers.Again thank you for your intrest.It makes an old man feel good to know someone listened...Nick"
Thanks man, sounds good.
I am Nick Laseter what would you like to know, my friend.
Hi Nick, great to hear from you. And what I want to know? Well, here I figured this was a pretty obscure release. I don't even know the year of its release. So, pretty much anything you'd like to share would be welcome. Like, was this your first recording? Did you record afterwards? Where were you from, who were your influences, etc.
Well this was my first album released in 72,I have writtin hundreds of songs since.I still play (not as much as I use to) but I cant tell you how exited I was to see someone take intrest in my music from so long ago.I have new music listed on digital rodeo and sound click with a band called january rose.As far as my influences,I grew up in southern Louisiana and have performed with folks like B.B. King Fats domino and a barrage of old south pickers.I came from the age of Skynard and the Allman brothers.Again thank you for your intrest.It makes an old man feel good to know someone listened...Nick
Thanks Nick. Did you already have this album digitized? Do you mind us sharing it? Have you heard the rip? Do you have anything else you don't mind sharing which would fit this blog? And thank you for the music.
thanx for this, couldnt find it for years! ZIVAL
Can you provide a new link? Thanks in advance!
My name is Kelly Basden. I was the drummer for The January Rose band. Nick is a wonderful guy. Very accomplished guitarist and writer. As the January Rose Band, we did a gig in McMinville in 2008. A small coffee shop. I have two dvds that were made of the show. Very low key and under promoted.
Kelly here again. This is a shot we took out by the rehearsal shed. That's me on the left.
Hi Kelly, thanks for the comment. Any music recorded as well? Something that might look good on this blog?
This is Nick again. Heres a link to my latest recordings (This Year)Roland http://www.reverbnation.com/nicklaseter
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