Formed in 1974, Garfeel Ruff were arguably the next best Southern Rock band to emerge from South Carolina to The Marshall Tucker Band. And they could've been just as big maybe, weren't it for the fact that they were only signed in the late 70's, when things weren't looking too bright for Southern Rock. This, their debut album, was released in 1979 and it's quite an impressive album. It's a shame they never got big (though they were a force to be reckoned with in South Carolina, playing with most of the Southern Rock elite), really.

Songs that stand out: 'Starshine', 'Take A Look' and 'The Choice Is Yours'. The music is not too mellow and not too loud, but very classy all the same. Good vocals too! You can read the Garfeel Ruff story on
I included a couple of bonus tracks from the soundtrack of the movie 'The Hitter', to which they contributed some songs. That movie was a blaxplotation realease, and the songs turn out somewhat funkier. Still, pretty good. Take a look...