Another pot of gold, as far as I'm concerned. And for those of you that read the Peter Guralnick book "Sweet Soul Music", this is about just as good as he made this stuff out to be. Peter said some very, very nice words about Dan Penn and his recordings, including the demos. And here we have some singles (not all, but none released on any regular albums) and demos, mostly from the 60's. And 26 of 'em. I found these files on 'My Blog Too', though I did try to clean them up some. I was very grateful finding them. I hope someone will find the rest soon as well. But until then, what we have here is a bunch of terrific Country Soul music. Some of the vinyl was seriously wounded, but it's still well worth checking out. I mean come on, it's Dan Penn! Creator of some of the finest Southern Soul classics ever. Maybe the people at Bear Family Records could turn this into one of their ambitious projects. That would sure please me. So sit you down, have a glass of red wine and enjoy Dan Penn at his very obscurest. But pretty. Diamonds..