Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Winters Brothers Band - Keep On Running (1985)

The Winters Brothers Band consisted of brothers Dennis and Donnie Winters, along with their band. I first learned about them, listening to the Charlie Daniels' Volunteer Jam, which had them playing and singing the songs, "Sang Her love Songs and "Rich Kids", in the late 70's. This EP has 5 songs and was released in 1984. Yes, the dreaded 80's. It's pretty much a product of it's time. There's some definite attempts at trying to sound modern, which I reckon most of you won't care much about. But some tracks are very good, so do not dismiss this as yet another piece of plastic Rock from the 80's. Strangest song here is the track "Jailer-Jailer", which has them sounding like Harry Belafonte. So, this is not (!) representative of The Winters Brothers Band! But thanks Dirk for sending this. I like to have a complete view of what went on with Southern Rock through all the years, even if it's the Dark Ages of Rock & Roll. Some of these tracks would end up in re-recorded versions on later albums. And those are the ones that will stick. This one's for satisfying a curious mind. Keep on running...


  1. Wow!!!

    Thank you very much for this. One of the best southern rock bands, in my opinion.

  2. Many thanks for this one, i didn't know it existed until now.
    The first two WBB albums are superb and the later records have their moments too, so i think i'll enjoy this.
    Best wishes,

  3. Harley - thanks so much for this one. I've been looking for it for years. I may post a link on this to your site!

  4. I have an acetate of this from NRP (Nashville Record Productions) Anyone know what it would be worth?
