Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Rossington - Returned To The Scene Of The Crime (1986)

After two Rossington Collins Band albums, Allen Collins released one more very goof Southern Rock album with the Allen Collins Band, called "Here, There & Back". Gary Rossington followed three years later with this album, "Returned To The Scene Of The Crime". Now, we're well into the dark pages of Rock & Roll history here. And I'm afraid this is where things definitely got sour. Unless, of course, you enjoyed Cher and "If I Could Turn Back Time". Cause this album has more in common with that type of output than anything called Southern Rock. Gary must've been looking for a hit. I don't know whether he actually got one with this album, but I wouldn't be surprised. This is really slick, polished up AOR with just a bare hint of Southern at all. It's not bad, but neither is Journey or Foreigner. But that's not what I'm hoping for when buying an album of people related to one of my favorite Southern Rock acts of all time (yes, besides The Allmans I'm a big fan of Ronnie Van Zant-era Lynyrd Skynyrd). Still, for historical purposes this may be worth checking out. And if you're a fan of AOR music in general, you may well enjoy this album lots. Dale is a great singer and Gary does still possess that beautiful tone of his, which can still be heard if you listen carefully. Dangerous love.


  1. Great band, haven't heard this album before. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Can we please get a re-upload? Been missing this album from my collection for a long time and this is the only lead I have.

  3. Will do that soon ad I get back home. Probably tomorrow.
