Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Raging Slab - Pronounced Eat Shit (2002)

Some good, heavy stuff for you, this time. You need another dose of Raging Slab. 'Pronounced Eat Shit'(pronounced ēat-shït) was the Slab's latest studio release. I'm just hoping it's not their final. But I wouldn't know, since they haven't updated their homepage in ages, and this album was released twelve years ago(!). If you don't know Raging Slab, you should definitely check them out. They were a different breed, but a welcome one. Initially marketed as a cross between Metallica and Lynyrd Skynyrd, these guys play a splendid variation on Southern Rock that'll put a smirk on your face. Whatever happened to Greg Strzempka? Boogalooser!


  1. Awesome stuff, any chance of a repost of the self titled album?

  2. I never posted it in the first place. I'll consider it for the near future...

  3. Man, I was 13 and went to Atlanta (a six hour drive each way) to see Paw, Raging Slab, and Monster Magnet in 1993 but they wouldn't let me in the club. Even Joe Calandra of Monster Magnet tried saying I was his cousin but they still wouldn't go for it.
    Really wish I could have seen 3 of my favorite bands.
