Saturday, February 15, 2014

History of Southern Rock


Very nice documentary on Southern Rock. Not the full story, but the story told is told very well. Basic but essential Southern Rock knowledge.


  1. That was a cool show. Maybe a bit heavy on The Allman Bros. but they kind of started the ball rolling. Do you have a best of "Southern Rock" list or collection?

  2. Hi Frito, glad you enjoyed it. Not sure what you mean with a Southern Rock list or collection. What would you like to know? Southern Rock collections shouldn't be too hard to find, if you know where to look (torrent sites?)

    Eat a peach,

  3. I was wondering if you had a personal mix of some of your favorites from the many artists on your site. Which is really cool, by the way.

  4. I will get on back that. I'm compiling a CD for driving... Start off with Travis Wammack's 'Cookin' on the Front Burner'. Get that album!
