Sunday, December 12, 2010

Calibre 12 - Toujours Là (2000)

"Toujours Là" is the second CD from French Rock Sudiste band Calibre 12. Quite a bold move releasing a double CD so soon. And it's not even a live album. So, what you get is loads of French sung Southern Rock. It's all pretty straight forward and quite heavy. Biker music? I know it's made me a heavy drinker alright. Apparently Calibre 12, who made their last album in 2005, have plans to return to recording and touring in 2011. So be sure to check out their site. In the meanwhile, absorb this piece and learn to sing the lyrics by heart. I'm pretty sure that would be appreciated if you go see them next year, whenever they stop in a town near you. Ne Me Reveillez Pas!

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