Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ian Moore - Modernday Folklore (1995)

"Modernday Folklore" was Ian Moore's last album for the resurrected Capricorn label. It was also his last Southern Rock album. At least, that's from what I read, since I haven't actually heard anything from Ian's subsequent output. But I have listened to this album pretty often. And it still gets rotation from time to time. It's a bit of an odd record. I guess on this album he was already making the transition from Southern Blues Rock to the well crafted Pop(?) songs of his later work. But this is really good. As a matter of fact, this has his best song (imho), a tune called "Muddy Jesus". There are some songs which recall his Bluesier past, but the majority on this album is, I guess, Southern Rock with a twist. Sometimes reminiscent to Chris Whitley in atmosphere and a quite adventurous listening experience. All songs are very well written. It may not necessarily grab you by the throat at first listen, but give it a few spins and you will find the material definitely grows on you. And as always, great playing and more than pleasant vocals. No mindless Texas Boogie boredom here, just good stuff. Modernday folklore!


  1. Your hosting service, which is identical for all the Ian Moore releases, appears to have pulled the files.

  2. Hello,

    Awesome Site! Found it through "The Day After The Sabbath"'s blog where he credited you with upping his Southern Rock knowledge. Unfortunately it appears this link is dead. Any chance of it being renewed? Greatly appreciate it. I'll check back in a few days. Thanks!
