Monday, August 02, 2010

Doc Holliday - Danger Zone (1986)

"Danger Zone" was released in 1986 on the small Metal Masters label (in the UK anyway), after the Doc Holliday adventures on A&M records ended with the rather disappointing Techno Rock album "Modern Medicine". I always had a soft spot for this album. Sure, it did not have the sound of a big budget album, but the mood was set just right. Back on the Southern Rock trail alright. And that was something pretty rare in the mid 80's, believe you me! It had some of their finest songs, like "Redneck Rock & Roll Band", where Bruce Brookshire did his roll call of Southern Rock heroes (like Charlie Daniels did on "The South's Gonna Do it" and Skynyrd on "When You Got Good Friends"). And some cool heavy rockers like "Danger Zone" and "Thunder & Lightning/Into The Night". This is pretty much Southern Rock as it should be. Just listen. Are you Ready to Burn?!


  1. Yes, sound quality and sound are too poor but most of the songs are excellent. One of the best Doc Holliday's albums.

    About "Modern Medicine", I was off course very deceived when I bought it in 1983. It was after the "Rides Again" gem (that remains my favorite record in a 5 000 items collection). But if you don't compare "Modern Medicine" with "Rides Again", you'll find some good songs... rather than on the Rick Medlocke & Blackfoot!

  2. This album is commercially available through Record Heaven Music/Halycon Records.
    Please delete this post.

  3. Record Heaven is a record store which has a few copies left in back stock of this album released on New Sound Records (1998), before it was released on Halycon records. Halycon records added some bonus tracks. Both are no longer in print. As a matter of fact, Halycon Records no longer exists.
    I try and do my homework before posting anything. thanks though for trying to help me out there.
