Sunday, January 03, 2010

Atlanta Rhythm Section - Quinella (1981)

Wishing everybody a great 2010 first off. I'm hoping this year will see some more fine obscurities surfacing on blogs like mine. Maybe not starting off spectacularly, I did have some requests for more Atlanta Rhythm Section records. And I wil see to that. Their early output and later records are still available, some as twofers. But some fine albums from the late 70's, early 80's are not. This one, "Quinella", is a among my favorite ARS albums. Like any ARS album, this is still very mellow Southern Rock, but it's a splendid listen. It features one of the best ARS tracks ever (in my opinion, that is), "Homesick". Travis Tritt did a great cover version of that song on his "It's All About To Change" album. And the song "Quinella" has ARS sounding like Little Feat, cool song. Oh well, if you dig the Atlanta Rhythm Section, you can't go wrong here. How about a little Southern exposure?


  1. Skydogg,
    Great job getting the out of print ARS on here. Quinella is a fine recording, one of their best. I'm no music critic, but I believe I get a sense of the refined musical skills on display here that come from a lifetime of performance and quality songwriting.
    Keep 'me coming, I'm hoping you can put "Underdog" on here as well as "Are You Ready", both of which are out of print.


  2. I'm an ARS fans and my favorite LP is the underrated "The Boys From Doraville".

  3. Yep Luc, I like that one too. Getting back to working on things and catching up... ;-)

  4. This link is for "Allen Collins Band - 1983 - Here, There & Back".
